Eagle Vale High School 2020

Location: Dharawal Nation.

8-week artist in residence collaboratively with Koori woman Lyndsay Urquhart.

Medium: Painted with aerosol, acrylic, and brush. 11 Walls 45 x 2m in total

The residency involving the Aboriginal students in year 7 and 8 was run in co-ordination with Uncle Dean Kelly, Aunty Jodi Edwards and Ethan Bell.

The students were immersed in activities including poetry in language, learning of local medicines and cultural objects, storytelling, and the importance of identity. The creation of the mural reflected the knowledge the students gained.

“I loved seeing the change in the students in this time. Their response to each activity shone with enthusiasm and connection to identity.” Merindah Funnell


Risky Behaviour Project 2020


Biala Girls Hostel 2020